Talk About Healthy Living

Feeling Stuck in Life? Here's How to Courageously Break Out and Be Free

Season 2 Episode 160

At one time or another, we all feel inertia. We get stuck in a feelilng that we're on a hamster wheel and we're not getting anywhere. Some feel trapped in a career and may think it's too late to make a change. Others feel stuck in their personal lives. It's not a fun place to be and it takes awareness and courage to change. This week's episode shares how Coach Peggy helped Sharon (who we heard about last episode) change her distorted mindset that's holding her back. Hear how you can understand and recognize who you are NOW.



Restorative Meditation (Yoga Nidra)

Live Younger Today(activate stem cells)

3 Minutes to Destress (great breathing exercise)

A Gratitude Meditation(relax and calm the mind)


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Want to read Peggy's award-winning novel which emerged from adversity?

A fictional story about one woman's journey of self-discovery and connecting to an understanding of life, friendship and love!  (Awakening A novel  has won three book awards including best work of psychological fiction and first place in spiritual fiction!)
