Talk About Healthy Living

Want the Simplest and Most Reliable Way to Feel Good?

Season 1 Episode 108

In this episode, Peggy gives you simple techniques you can do at your desk to improve your vitality and well-being. Plus she includes advice on ways to influence brain health and longevity!  You can change your mood in minutes!


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where you'll find many FREE programs on reducing stress, anxiety and supercharging your life to be the best version of you. Personal development coach Peggy Sealfon believes in infinite potential of resilience, adaptability, and creativity. A seeker of truths, Peggy is passionate in guiding others towards higher levels of physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  Keep listening to her podcasts for more strategies.

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My Life Well

Want a personal deeper dive? Schedule a free call with Peggy:  Click here.

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Here's two Qigong movements:  "Reaching for Happiness" and "The Archer" 
